Shadow realm in HTML?

Send CSS there.

Aug 1, 2021

A doodle of Millenium Puzzle with the word shadow in Chinese, Malay, and English on the left.

I spent a bit more time on CSS this week and revisited some tricks on shadow effects. That prompted me to think maybe there can be a theme for each of these weekly posts. Shadow DOM is added to complete this week’s theme, alongside with optimising what Webpack watches in shadow (too much of a stretch but I’ll go with it).

  • CSS: use multiple layers of box-shadow to finetune shadows.
  • CSS: use the drop-shadow() filter to create shadow that conforms the shape of an image.
  • Shadow DOM: it is a hidden, isolated tree attaches to regular DOM, the CSS within this tree is scoped to the realm itself.
  • Webpack: If watch mode takes up too much resources on your computer, try optimise it with watchOption.ignored, e.g. ignore node_modules.
  • Tabs: NN/g has guidelines for tabs, the most important one is that they should be used for views within the same context instead used for navigating to another different context.

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